Tia and Tamera are identical twins separated at birth and reunited as teens.
Next Airings
Feb 17th 11:30a CT
Operation: Deja View
The twins get a case of appendicitis and are rushed to the hospital. After undergoing surgery and beginning recovery, they sneak out of their hospital rooms to look for their birth records.
Feb 17th 11:00p CT
Free Billy
Ray wants to make a commercial for "Ray's Limo Service" and invites Tia and Tamera to participate. Also appearing in the commercial is a pig, who is being abused by its owner and decide to confiscate it. Meanwhile, Lisa has two "near-death" experiences.
Feb 17th 11:30p CT
Operation: Deja View
The twins get a case of appendicitis and are rushed to the hospital. After undergoing surgery and beginning recovery, they sneak out of their hospital rooms to look for their birth records.
The twins discover each other in a clothing store, but learn that they may be separated again when Lisa confesses that she was fired weeks ago and has found a new job in St. Louis.
Ep 2: First Dates
Having found a date, Tamera sidesteps a pact with Tia in which they agreed to forego the school dance unless they both had dates.
Ep 3: Slumber Party
Tia and Tamera throw a slumber party and they invite a few girls from school, but one girl, Sarah, isn't enjoying the slumber party because she isn't able to see her boyfriend, which her parents forbidden her to see. Meanwhile, while Lisa and Ray are at the video store, Lisa catches her boyfriend in the act of cheating.
Ep 4: Cheater, Cheater
When Tia makes Honor Roll, Tamera over hears Ray telling Lisa that if Tamera made honor roll he'd tell the world. Tamera goes on a study mission to try to Ace a test, studying all night long, and getting little sleep Tamera can't remember anything she studied.
Ep 5: Wedding Bells & Box Boys
Tia is excited when asked out on a car date with a 16 year old boy, the problem is Tia having to persuade Lisa to allow her to go; Danielle's wedding is canceled when her and Ray are caught kissing in the kitchen, leaving Lisa without a check.
Ep 6: Out Alone
Tia and Tamera go to a movie and get lost on the bus ride home. Lisa convinces Ray to take "Little Ray" to the vet but Ray doesn't want to pay for the bill. Will Lisa be able to come up with the cash?
Ep 7: Pimple, The
When Tia's anxieties about a prominent pimple "come to a head," so to speak, she asks Tamera to go out on a date in her place.
Ep 8: Car Trouble
Lisa finally gets a car, but its not the car everyone expects, with it's worn down frame and now rusty paint job it takes up half of the garage. When Lisa and Ray leave in Lisa's new car, Tamera finds Ray's keys and decides to put it in reverse.
Ep 9: Birthday, The
Its the twins birthday and Lisa gets the twins a present they love until they see Ray's. His is a limo trip to Chicago! Excited, the twins forget about Lisa and get ready for Chicago.
Ep 10: Love Strikes
While doing their family bowling, Ray meets a lady named Beverly who he really likes. After meeting Beverly, Tia and Tamera try to break them up. Not being succesful of breaking them up, the twins keep at their evil plot. Will they let love blossom between the lovers?
Ep 11: Mothers & Other Strangers
Lisa's judgmental mother comes to visit. Not thinking at the time Lisa had told her mother that she was married to Ray. Lisa then pesuades Ray to pretend to be her husband, and in return she wont talk for a week.
Ep 12: Concert, The
Appalled by lyrics to a rap song, Lisa and Ray refuse to buy concert tickets for the twins, who scheme to meet their rock idol and are disappointed.
Ep 1: Hair Today
Tamera's glamorous makeover lands her a place with the in crowd at school, but leaves Tia on the outside looking in; meanwhile, Ray drinks way too much cappuccino and gets so wired, he's out of control! Will Tamera abandon her sister for friends, and will Ray get addicted to caffeine?
Ep 2: Get a Job
Ray puts the twins to work at the limo service, but the girls look for a way out when a handsome manager offers them jobs at a burger joint. They want to do both jobs so one twin goes to Rocket Burger and has to balance both twins and so does the other twin at Ray's Limo Service Can they handle two jobs at once?
Ep 3: Joey's Choice
Thinking they're the same person, a guy inadvertently asks both twins for dates; Lisa goes shopping for a handsome supermarket manager. Will the twins figure out what's going on before it's too late, and will Lisa find true love at long last?
Ep 4: Tall Tale, A
The twins find their dates for a big dance to be less than perfect gentlemen; Meanwhile, Roger arranges his own blind date. Tia and Tamera contemplate how to handle their immature dates, while Roger struggles with a tall dance partner.
Ep 5: It's a Love Thang
Tia helps Tamera meet a cute guy that they see on the bus. But a little too late, Tamera finds out that the cute boy was only 12. Meanwhile, Lisa tries to tell Terrence she loves him.
Ep 6: Free Billy
Ray wants to make a commercial for "Ray's Limo Service" and invites Tia and Tamera to participate. Also appearing in the commercial is a pig, who is being abused by its owner and decide to confiscate it. Meanwhile, Lisa has two "near-death" experiences.
Ep 7: Operation: Deja View
The twins get a case of appendicitis and are rushed to the hospital. After undergoing surgery and beginning recovery, they sneak out of their hospital rooms to look for their birth records.
Ep 8: Tattoo
Tia's new tattoo, a symbol of her love for her boyfriend, vexes Lisa.
Ep 9: Two for the Road
The twins have just recieved their learners permit, so they're anxious to get out on the road. Lisa teaches Tia how to drive while Ray teaches Tamera to drive, when the all end up getting mad at each other Ray suggest they go to a empty parking lot and practice driving but things go wrong when they get into an accident.
Ep 10: It's a Party Thang
In an effort to reassert themselves socially, the twins plan the party to end all parties; and, when their guests are late, Lisa, Ray and Roger round up some replacement guests so the twins don't feel bad.
Ep 11: Field Trip
On a school field trip, a cool teacher loses his temper with the twins and gives them detention; Roger's crush leads him to thievery--and soon infamy. When the museum's love statue ends up with Roger, women suddenly find him irresistible.
Ep 12: Put to the Test
The twins take the S.A.T test, and later when the results come back the twins get suprising test scores; Meanwhile, Lisa tries to sell some of her clothing at a boutique store, but she is snubbed by the owner of the boutique store.
Ep 13: Kid in Play
Tia's handed the lead in the school play--but only after Tamera forfeits the part by being late for a rehearsal. Will Tamera ever be able to forgive her sister?
Ep 14: Dream Lover
Tia's grossed out by a bizarre dream in which she finds herself to be the object of her boss's affection; Lisa fixes Ray up with a blind date.
Ep 15: Scrambled Eggs
Tia and Tamera's school project on parenting isn't what it's cracked up to be when Tamera is paired with Roger; Lisa tries to impress Terrence's religious parents; and Ray gives an E-mail dating system a try.
Ep 16: Smoking in the Girls Room
When Lisa uses the twins' new answering machine to monitor their activities, she discovers that they may have started smoking.
Ep 17: Playing Hooky
The twins have huge exam coming up, and they are very stressed, on the day of the exam Lisa picks the twins up from school, and take them out for a day of fun. When they get home, Ray and Lisa get into a huge quarrel.
Ep 18: Single White Teenager
Tamera finds a new buddy while Tia's sick at home, but the twins are freaked out when the girl begins to act and dress like them in order to secure their friendship.
Ep 19: I Do?
After Terrence proposes, Lisa makes plans for her big day - until a bizarre dream makes her think twice about the nuptuals.
Ep 1: Natural, The
On the first day of school, Tia sets her sights on the new boy at school and changes her entire schedule to be in his classes - including auto repair and wood shop - before discovering he already has a girlfriend.
Ep 2: Break-Up, The
Love is a many-splintered thing: Lisa and Terrence are on the rocks, leaving Ray friendless and Lisa upset when he tries to hang out with Terrence.
Ep 3: Tutor, The
Tamera's scheme to get a date has her trying to fill Tia's shoes as a tutor for the captain of the football team. Meanwhile, Ray plays chauffeur to help Lisa turn heads at her high-school reunion, where she looks forward to meeting her old flame David Johnson.
Ep 4: History a La Carte
An unexpected inheritance from an aunt sends Lisa into a shopping frenzy that could be quite costly. Meanwhile, Ray agrees to be Tamera's extra-credit history project when the girls discover that he had been denied FBI clearance because he was arrested in the '60s - but doesn't tell them it was not for protesting but for streaking.
Ep 5: Grandpa Campbell
A visit from shady Grandpa Campbell has Ray keeping an eye on his wallet and on Lisa: his father has a crush on her. Meanwhile, Tamera turns tycoon when the elder Campbell helps her turn a school project into an exercise in greed.
Ep 6: Twins Get Fired
Tia loses her new position as Rocket Burger's assistant manager when she decides to take the fall for one of Tamera's expensive mistakes. Meanwhile, Ray unwittingly throws a monkey wrench into Lisa's love life.
Ep 7: Halloween
The twins nab Ray's car on Halloween to search for a party, but end up at the Canadian border and on the late-night news.
Ep 8: Weird Science
While at a Science Fair at school, Ray meets Paula, the science teacher. They grow to like eachother. Taking advantage of this, Tia and Tamera don't do their reports.
Ep 9: Thanksgiving in Hawaii (Part 1)
Lisa and Terrence were going to take Tia to a time share in Hawaii for Thanksgiving, but since their break up things are different. Lisa thinks Terrence won't go, and Terrence thinks Lisa won't go. Of course, they both do go.
Ep 10: Thanksgiving in Hawaii (Part 2)
The adults realize that the girls are missing and set out to find them. When Tia decides to swim to shore, they realize that they have drifted out from the shore, but the water is still only 2 feet deep. They
Ep 11: Private School
Tia gets accepted into the boarding school she has always dreamed of attending. Lisa is anxious because she has spent the savings for tuition on other things.
Ep 12: Christmas
Grandpa Campbell returns for the holidays, and he owes $1,000 to a loan shark, which Tia, Tamera and Lisa secretly repay with money they'd been saving to buy Christmas gifts.
Ep 13: Double Double Date
Tia's originally dateless night turns into double trouble when she accepts two invitations to the same party - and then enlists Tamera's help in keeping her dates apart.
Ep 14: Reality Really Bites
Tia's film project, which begins as a comedy, turns tragic when she manipulates her family - including a lovesick Tamera - to make her documentary more interesting. When it comes time to screen her film, it turns out she has scrapped all the manipulated footage and replaced it with an apology to her family.
Ep 15: Volunteers, The
When Tia and Tamera volunteer for community service at a retirement home, Tamera's charge Edgar (Berle) proves to be more than she can handle. Meanwhile, Ray's stint as a teacher turns into a snooze-fest for his students.
Ep 16: Valentine's Day
Tia is messin' with everybody's minds when she tries to apply techniques she learned in psychology class to Tamera, Ray and Lisa when she discovers that Ray and Lisa have exchanged valentines; Tamera goes to the Valentine's Day Dance with Roger after she is jilted by the boy she originally asked.
Ep 17: Paper or Plastic?
Tamera gets a lesson in economics and employee relations when she and Tia take jobs from striking workers. Meanwhile, Lisa needs some quick basketball instruction. Lisa's boyfriend Terrence is the manager of a local grocery store.
Ep 18: Piano Lesson, The
Ray tries to encourage Tamera by over-praising her piano playing, but the truth comes out at a recital - much to Tamera's embarrassment. Meanwhile, Lisa organizes a yard sale that turns into an expensive proposition for Ray.
Ep 19: Summer Bummer
Everyone's fooled when the twins switched identities so Tia can get close to a boy and Tamera can escape summer school - until their grandfather shows up and sends everyone into an uproar.
Ep 20: Candidate, The
Tamera enlists Tia's aid to compete with Rhonda for class president in the school election, but after she's elected she quickly forces Tia out of the limelight. Meanwhile, Ray gets some help catching a neighborhood burglar from a bumbling mall security officer.
Ep 21: Big Twin on Campus
Tia lies about her age to her new college-boy beau Michael, making her popular with the cool coffeehouse set - and leaving Tamera out in the cold. Meanwhile, Lisa and Terrence seems to be on the way to a romantic reconciliation.
Ep 22: Audition, The
Casey Kasem, an alumnus of Roosevelt High, is scheduled to return to his alma mater to dedicate a performing arts center, and an audition is held to pick a student to perform at the festivities. Meanwhile, Ray bets Lisa that he can tighten his weekly budget to a measly twenty dollars, only to find out that the belt is a bit more snug than he anticipated.
Ep 1: When a Man Loves Two Women
Over the summer, geeky Roger has transformed. Roger begins dating Tia & Tamera at the same time. When the girls finally find out that Roger's dating them both they get another suprise that Roger isn't dating just them, but half of the other girls at school!
Ep 2: You Are So Beautiful
After an ugly encounter with last year's prom queen Rhonda, the twins start feeling insecure about their looks and question Ray and Lisa about their birth mom. Meanwhile, Ray tries to think of a birthday gift for Lisa.
Ep 3: Gimme a Brake
Ray & Lisa just purchased the twins a brand new convertibable, and out past curfew the twins get lost and end up sinking their car in Lake Erie and choose not to tell Lisa and Ray.
Ep 4: Daddy's Girl
Tamera grows jealous when Tia begins spending more time with Ray. Ray invites Tia to a father-daughter dance and Tamera grows jealous.
Ep 5: Sis Boom Bah
Ray helps the twins bounce back after they try out for the cheerleading team and make the C squad, a.k.a. "the odd squad." Meanwhile, Lisa's gimmick to attract new customers backfires.
Ep 6: Kid-Napped
After the twins' rival steals their friends by hosting a party where the NBA's Kobe Bryant (who has a cameo) is a guest, they kidnap a star rapper (Christopher "Kid" Reid) and have their own party. Meanwhile, Lisa dates a doctor.
Ep 7: Boy From the Hood
Tia's suprised when her childhood friend Darnell moves back to Detroit. Darnell soon sets his sight on Tamera. With Tamera at his heels, Tia tries warning Tamera that Darnell is not the same as he used to be, but Tamera ignores Tia's warnings.
Ep 8: I'll Be There
ppy days arrive for Tia when she gets a job at a '50s-themed diner. But her time for "groovin' all through the week" without her twin ends when her boss (Darrow Igus) also hires Tamera. Meanwhile, Ray becomes Lisa's not-so-silent business partner.
Ep 9: Ch-Ch-Changes
Tia and Tamera come up with a excellent plan to get Ray and Lisa together for a romantic evening. Everything is going planed until Lisa's friend Patrice visits and everything comes to a screeching halt.
Ep 10: Double Exposure
It's time again for the yearbook photo to be taken. Last year's photo was a mess and this year Tamera plans to make it her best yearbook photo ever. Things take a huge turn when Tamera tries an overnight moisturizer, when morning comes Tamera's face is red and blotchy.
Ep 11: Some Like It Hockey
After learning that girls are restricted from hockey-team tryouts, the twins don male disguises and cross-check some extremely chauvinistic guys. Meanwhile, Lisa becomes addicted to home shopping.
Ep 12: Bring on Debate
Ray feels threatened by Tamera's devotion to her new substitute music teacher. Meanwhile, Lisa peddles her fashions on the street, and the local ladies misunderstand what's for sale.
Ep 13: Little Man Date
Tamera experiences public humiliation of the high-school kind when Tia sets her up with her newest beau's brother - unaware that he's a pretentious 9-year-old. Meanwhile, Lisa receives a phone call from Calvin Klein after he sees her billboard.
Ep 14: Ski Squad, The
When a ski trip is scheduled, Tia and go. Tamera, who is afraid, tries to get out of it. While at the cabin an avalanche happens and they get stuck inside. To everyone's surprise, Tia goes crazy. They realize that they need to get out. So Tamera, Tia, and Roger shovel their way out and get to the top of the mountain.
Ep 15: Cafeteria Lady
Lisa gets a second job as a cafeteria worker at the twins' school and adds zest to the lunchline; everyone seems to be sweet on her efforts but Tia, who's embarrassed.
Ep 16: Three the Heart Way
On Valentine's Day, Tia and Roger are mysteriously struck by Cupid's arrow, which leaves Tamera feeling alone and brokenhearted. Meanwhile, Ray participates in a charity bachelor auction, where his plans to earn the most money backfire.
Ep 17: Model Tia
Tia is chatting to some guy called Verique on-line. Tamera then sends Tia's picture to him and he reply's saying he likes it and that he is a photographer. Tamera is totally excited then cause she thinks that if Tia makes it big then she can too!
Ep 18: My Guy
In exchange for tickets for a sold-out Boyz II Men concert - which Roger failed to get - Tamera promises Elliot, the school nerd, to get Tia to date him. During his make-over, helping Tamera herself starts to see Elliot as the perfect guy. Lisa goes different ways when she expands to dog fashion which soon leads her to the top.
Ep 19: Double Dutch
Ti and Tamera enter a double-dutch contest and Tia overworks Tamera, not letting her see her 'guy' Tia drops out after meeting an old childhood bully. Lisa convinces Ray to be Roger's substitute dad. They have trouble baking so Roger buys a cake and gets disqulified.
Ep 20: Inherit the Twin
Tia gets some new smart friends making Tamera feel left out. Then when copies of Tia's personal journal are passed around to the other students, she accuses Tamera of stealing it ending them in Student Court.
Ep 21: Slime Party
Tamera learns that life isn't a bowl of cherries when she and Tia are pitted against twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on a TV quiz show where she is transformed into a human sundae.
Ep 22: Guardian Angel
Tamera discovers her new friend is a shoplifter. Ray let go of his old wife, and learned to accept Lisa.
Ep 1: Designer Genes
Lisa learns of a benefit fashion show and tries to persuade one of the designers to look at her portfolio. When she fails, Tia and Tamera strike a pose and sneak backstage - as models. Supermodel Beverly Peele appears as herself.
Ep 2: Separate Peace, A
The girls move into separate bedrooms after they insist that they're growing apart.
Ep 3: Working Girls
Tamera and Ray have a falling out over his new girlfriend Vivica who, she says, has turned him into a "gallivanting, promise-breaking Romeo." Meanwhile, Tia lands a job at a mall bookstore and becomes enamored of a mysterious customer.
Ep 4: Show Me the Money
Tamera learns that even the best plans can go wrong when she decides to fight Tia's battle with her boss, who's paying a male employee more money; her decision to pose as Tia and demand equal pay gets her sister fired. So now Tamera has to get Tia's job back before she gets there.
Ep 5: It's My Party
The twins heed an uncle's birthday advice to "seize the day" by skipping school and flying to Chicago for a hip-hop concert instead of celebrating with their parents, but a series of misfortunes turns their dream day into a nightmare - especially when Lisa and Ray uncover the truth.
Ep 6: Child's Play
When it is SAT time at school Tia starts freaking out, but Tamera is taking it easy. When the twins ask Ray Lisa for a tutor, Ray says he should do it. Not happy by this, the twins say they need a real tutor.
Ep 7: Friend Indeed, A
Tamera entangles Tia and her friends in a sticky web of deceit after she lies about being able to get a celebrity to appear at a school fund-raiser. Music group Immature performs.
Ep 8: Popular Mechanic
Tia's mysterious new friend Tyreke asks her out on a date which, of course, she accepts. When he arrives at the house, everyone learns that he is Ray's new mechanic whom he's mentoring. When Ray discloses that Tyreke once was a former juvenile delinquent, he forbids Tia from seeing him.
Ep 9: Best Policy
Tamera accepts Tia's wager that she can't tell the truth for one week, but she faces a dilemma when she spies Ray's girlfriend Vivica cheating on him; a prominent client asks Lisa's opinion about the fit of a gown, forcing her to decide if honesty is really the best policy.
Ep 10: Two's Company
After Tia and Tyreke tire of Tamera tagging along on their dates, they decide to find her a boyfriend. Tamera has a fight with Jordan, the newpaper editor and she has to do her article over. Who will Tamera find as a boyfriend? Meanwhile, Lisa is asked to eulogize a woman she disliked.
Ep 11: Mo Credit, Mo Problems
The twins' car breaks down in a bad area and they must get help. Using a payphone they get hold of Ray. Meanwhile, Ray and Lisa go to an opera and Ray disturbs the other people around his seat.
Ep 12: In Sickness and in Health
The twins try to reunite Lisa with her younger sister Darcy, whom she hasn't spoken to in years. Lisa refuses, until Darcy announces that she's in need of surgery.
Ep 13: Laws, The
After the twins and Diavian are engaged in a battle of the sexes with their beaus, Lisa introduces the girls to "The Laws." The R&B teen trio 702 performs.
Ep 14: Rosebud
Tamera feels she has something to prove when she pledges an elite sorority, but the club president has other plans for her new plebe. Meanwhile, Ray's old girlfriend Vivica "borrows" his business practices for her own use.
Ep 15: Ladies in Waiting
Tamera decides to make her family proud of her in order to overcome her feelings of inferiority.
Ep 16: Ladies' Choice
After Tia impresses the WNBA's Lisa Leslie (appearing as herself) at a book signing, she's offered a dream job with the organization's media department. But accepting the job means giving up her other dream - college.
Ep 17: Young at Heart
The twins sneak into an over-21 dance club to see hip-hop artist W.C. (appearing as himself). Meanwhile, Lisa sneaks out of the house to go on a date with Aaron, a just-over-21-year-old.
Ep 18: I Have a Dream
Tamera is reluctant to go on in life and finish highschool. One night she dreams she encounters historical figures who paved the road before her, only they carry the same reluctant attitude towards what they must do, and Tamera must convince them to carry on with their dreams.
Ep 19: You Had to Be There
The girls haven't left for college yet, and they're already missing Roger. But when he tags along to the mall with their boyfriends, they're sorry they ever met him. Meanwhile, Lisa tries to avoid having her picture taken by Ray and confessing her fear of cameras.
Ep 20: Prom Night
Lisa makes dresses for the twins prom, but they buy their own. At the prom, they realize everyone has the same dress so they go back to the limo and get the dresses Lisa made. Will they have a perfect prom, or will it be a disaster?
Ep 21: Shoeless
In a parody of "Cinderella," Tamara's left at home to clean house while Tia and the gang attend Jordan's party - until her grandfather plays fairy godfather to make the impossible possible.
Ep 22: Graduation
Tia, Tamera and their friends prepare for graduation. Lisa searches to find the girls a guest commencement speaker for the ceremony while Tamera and Jordan decide on a farewell song. Tyreke feels left out in the celebration since he never got the chance to receive his diploma.
Ep 1: Home Sweet Dorm
It's a brand new school year and Tia and Tamera are entering college at the University of Michigan with high expectations. They meet up with Diavian, Jordan and Tyreke (who also attend) and learn that their new dorm room is an athletic dorm in which they must share a private bathroom with two college jocks.
Ep 2: Stop in the Name of Fun
A college talent contest turns to a battle of wills between the twins when Tia the perfectionist agrees to direct Tamera, Diavian and Simone's girl-group routine. Meanwhile, Tyreke and Lisa attend a time-share seminar in search of free gifts.
Ep 3: Home Court Advantage
Lisa hires Todd Banks, her handsome new assistant, to help her run errands and schedule arrangements. When Todd forgets to hire a model for Lisa's latest designs, she uses Todd instead.
Ep 4: We Are Family
Ray decides to run for office and puts Tia, Tamera and Lisa in the public eye. But when Tamera decides not to be supportive after being publicly embarrassed, Ray may be forced to reconsider. Also, Ray's ex-girlfriend Vivica returns.
Ep 5: Grass Is Always Finer, The
Tia starts to feel that her relationship with Tyreke isn't serious when he becomes overly affectionate. But when she meets Keith Brooks, her new calculus professor, she becomes enchanted and soon breaks up with Tyreke.
Ep 6: Bum Rap
Ray supports a bill banning big concerts on campus and is surprised to meet his opponent. Goodie Mob (who appear as themselves) are to perform at the college, and Ray's opposition to the appearance annoys Tamera, who thinks he's giving them a bum rap.
Ep 7: Domino Effect
While the twins are away, Tyreke and Jordan put themselves in an awkward situation by agreeing to escort two homesick freshmen, CeeCee and Ginger, to the Homecoming dance. Meanwhile, Ray's game night with the boys is interrupted by Lisa's friends.
Ep 8: Greek to Me
Tamara's plans are upset when Jordan goes under cover for the newspaper to expose hazing and, in a rush to get the scoop on fraternity hazing, forgets about his anniversary dinner with Tamera. Meanwhile, Lisa and Ray try to persuade Tia into joining their favorite sororities.
Ep 9: My Father's House
Jordan suffers Tamera's wrath when he refuses to go to church; and Lisa turns Ray's living room into a "holy sweat shop" after she offers to sew new choir robes.
Ep 10: For the People
Ray calls in a veteran campaign consultant, Clifton McNair, to kick his candidacy into gear; but the unscrupulous campaign manager soon teaches the family that the way to the state senate is an arduous road with no rest stops on the way.
Ep 11: Twins or Consequences
A chemistry mid-term is coming up and instead of studying, Tamera decides to go out and party, when morning approaches Tamera is to worn out and can't remember anything that she studied because of her partying. Tamera begs Tia to take her mid-term for her, but if caught Tia and Tamera could both face expulsion from college.
Ep 12: Mixed Doubles
Tyreke wins four tickets to "Ragtime"; Lisa is attracted to Ray's frat buddy.
Ep 13: Two Guys, a Girl, and a Calendar
Michigan is hosting a photo calendar contest for the guys so whoever wins will be published in the calendar. With Tia pushing Tyreke, and Tamera pushing Jordan, will things get out of control? Will this contest end valuable friendships?
Ep 14: Sweet Talk
While looking for a job, Diavian gives Tamera a chance she can't say no to. Diavian doesn't do to well, but Tamera does perfect! Once getting the job, Diavian is mad because Tamera got her job. The show becomes such a hit with "Lady-T" that she needs to work
Ep 15: Father's Day
The twins think a photojournalist visiting campus may be their biological father.
Ep 16: I Know What You Did in Drama Class
Tia has Diavian partner with Tyreke for drama class; Tamera and Jordan attempt to hook up cable in Tia and Tamera's room to watch "The Fight" Lisa's friend sets her up with somebody and they chase their dates away.
Ep 17: Double Talk
Tamera gets sick and can't do her raido show. So she asks Tia to cover for her but she ends up choking. Jordan saves the day but insults the callers on the radio station. Tamera and Jordan do the show and can't agree on one thing. Will Tamera and Jordan make up or will Pillow Chat be history?
Ep 18: Freaknik
Tia, Tamera and Diavian fly to Atlanta to see FreakNik. They get there and stay at a 4 star motel. The hotel isn't up to their standards seeing that there is cockroaches and a leaky roof. Tia gives herself 5 names, one for each guy because she doesn't like anyone. Menwhile, Jordan and Tyreke drive to Atlanta and get lost. At FreakNik, Mya & Blackstreet perform together.
Ep 19: Before There Was Hip-Hop
A music history lesson prompts Old Clarence to talk about a 1940s nightclub where Tia, Tamera, Ray, Lisa and the gang are the people there. The nightclub is going out of business so Ray (Owner of Club) has to come up with some serious money. Will he do it?
Ep 20: Let Them Eat Cupcakes
When Victor wants to give Lisa an engagement ring, he puts it in a cupcake. Menwhile, Tia amd Tamera bak cupcakes, and Jordan and Tyreke take them to sell them at college. However, one of those cupcakes has Lisa's engagement ring in it.
Ep 21: Road Less Traveled, The
Tia considers taking a summer internship with the WNBA in New York. Meanwhile, Lisa worries about her upcoming wedding.
Ep 22: Fly Away Home
Lisa's wedding day is today and she is really shy. She runs out of the church and goes to a bar and meets up with her past friend Foxy Jones. Meanwhile, Ray comes and finds her and talks her into marrying Victor.
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